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  • Chronic Pain & Cannabis

  • Farm Bill Flashback

  • Industry produces tax revenues

  • Phoenix CANNA-Community Give Back Let's end homelessness ....... Thank you for inviting us and lettingus participate in such a wonderful event. Reach out for more events if you want to get involved to @chefturtle420 on Instagram for more information.

  • Harvard has things to say on CBD.......

  • Lokahi Leaf- Reading is also great medicine.


    The history of Cannabis is as intresting as the wild toad ride at Disneyland. Yes, I used Disneyland and Cannabis in the same sentence. The cultivation of cannabis has been one of the worlds largest cultivated plants. As far as the human consumption of the plant, some have traced it back tothe 6th century BC. Humans have long utilized the planet and its natural resources of life and healing properties in their diet, personal care, ceremonies, and wellness. So, when did this little plant go from a thing in nature to a freak of nature. When did the branding by societal pressures from specific entities drive a natural grown, wildly cultivated plant to the naughty list. It was actually found in medical pharmiceutical journals and pharmacy encycolopedias for decades. So, here is the factoid: Did you know that cannibis was in the Pharmacopeia until 1937 when it was removed due to federal prohibition with passge of the Marijuana Tax Act? Here is a link to the pharmacopedia in case you want to research more fun information. Alot of intresting information!

  • Lokahi Lifestyle-Studies on CANNABIS/CBD Lokahi Leaf will always provide information to help people discover the best health and wellness options for their lifestyle. Providing knowledge and insight to the many new discoveries and reseach that is going on throughout the world. This information is a tool to provide alternatives to assist our customers understand the power of Cannabis in all its forms. Personal health and wellness is a very personal decision and those decisions should be entered into with all information. The power of CBD is highlighted in this article and focuses in on 9 particular health conditions. Enjoy!

  • Uncle Earl is here ...

    Launched Uncle Earl’s Lip Balmz today.... Natural Beeswax formula and CBD formula . Check them out! Both options are invigorating to your lips and provide moisture and protection.

  • Exotik Rain Collection

    Pre- Launch before Grand Opening Every day a new item will be released up u til the BIG DAY !!! Exclusive discounts and offers and even surprises during this pre launch party !!!! Today we launched the Dead Sea Salt. This Lokahi Leaf exclusive offers and organic and natural bath experience to add to bath bombs, and other CBD based bath and beauty products. Get the 4 Ocean Bundle and save 25%....

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